Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | LRAC | Little Rock Athletic Club
| |
***** | LRAC | Law Review Abstracts Clearinghouse
| |
***** | LRAC | Long Run Average Cost
| |
***** | LRAC | Labor Relations Advisory Committee
| |
***** | LRAC | Labor Relations Advisory Council
| |
**** | LRAC | Long Range Artillery Cannon
| |
**** | LRAC | London Regional Arts Club
| |
**** | LRAC | Law Reform Advisory Committee
| |
**** | LRAC | labour relations advisory committee
| |
**** | LRAC | Lance-Roquettes Antichar
| |
**** | LRAC | Local Research Advisory Committee
| |
*** | LRAC | La Rioja Autonomous Community
| |
*** | LRAC | Load Resource Allocation Center
| |
*** | LRAC | Long Range Average Cost
| |
*** | LRAC | Lockhart River Art Centre
| |
*** | LRAC | Learning Resource and Assessment Center
| |
*** | LRAC | Lance roquette anti char
| |
*** | LRAC | Land Resources Advisory Committee
| |
** | LRAC | Long Run Avoidable Cost
| |
** | LRAC | Legislative Regulatory Advisory Committee
| |
** | LRAC | Legal Research and Advisory Centre
| |
** | LRAC | Lamprey River Advisory Committee
| |
** | LRAC | Lewes Rehoboth Association of Churches
| |
** | LRAC | Long Run Average Curve
| |
** | LRAC | Labor Research Advisory Council
| |