Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | LHAS | Local Highway Authorities
| |
***** | LHAS | London Hearts Aerial Services Ltd (UK)
| |
**** | LHAS | Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
| |
**** | LHAS | Ladies Hospital Aid Society
| |
**** | LHAS | Louisiana Healthy Aging Study
| |
**** | LHAS | Lay Health Advisors
| |
**** | LHAS | Lord High Admiral of Scotland
| |
**** | LHAS | Littleborough Historical and Archaeological Society
| |
**** | LHAS | Lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum
| |
**** | LHAS | Loess Hills Audubon Society (Sioux City, IA)
| |
*** | LHAS | Ladies Hospital Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania
| |
*** | LHAS | Larry Heard Appreciation Society
| |
*** | LHAS | Leverett House Arts Society
| |
*** | LHAS | Local Housing Authorities
| |
*** | LHAS | Litchfield Hills Audubon Society (Connecticut)
| |
*** | LHAS | Local Health Areas
| |
** | LHAS | Leaky Homes Advisory Service
| |
** | LHAS | London Hearts Aerial Services
| |
** | LHAS | Local Housing Allowances
| |
* | LHAS | Linux High Availability Service
| |
* | LHAS | Listed Housing Agent Scheme
| |