Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | JTMS | Joint Training Master Schedule
| |
**** | JTMS | JTAG Test Mode Select
| |
**** | JTMS | joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule
| |
*** | JTMS | Joint Theater Movement Staff
| |
*** | JTMS | Journey Time Measurement System
| |
*** | JTMS | Justification-Based Truth Maintenance System
| |
*** | JTMS | Joint Tactical Missiles Signature Program
| |
*** | JTMS | Jefferson Township Middle School
| |
** | JTMS | Jvx (v-22) Test And Maintenance Software
| |
** | JTMS | Johnson Traditional Middle School
| |
** | JTMS | Joint Theatre Movement Staff
| |
* | JTMS | Jace, the Mind Sculptor
| |
* | JTMS | Journey-Time Monitoring System
| |
* | JTMS | Japan Terrain Mesh Scenery
| |