Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | GTEC | Garrett Turbine Engine Company
| |
***** | GTEC | Garowe Teacher Education College
| |
**** | GTEC | gene technology ethics committee
| |
**** | GTEC | Gestion Territoriale des Emplois et des Compétences
| |
**** | GTEC | Global Test of English Communication
| |
**** | GTEC | Gas Turbines Evaporative Cooling
| |
*** | GTEC | Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation
| |
*** | GTEC | Governor's Technical Excellence Committee
| |
*** | GTEC | Technology in Government Week
| |
*** | GTEC | Government Technology Exhibition Conference
| |
*** | GTEC | Georgia Tech & Emory Collaboration
| |
*** | GTEC | Gmd Training and Exercise Center
| |
*** | GTEC | Growth and Transportation Efficiency Center
| |
** | GTEC | Georgia Tech Emory Center
| |
** | GTEC | Gifted and Talented Education Council
| |
* | GTEC | Global Technical Engineering Center
| |
* | GTEC | Golden Triangle Energy Cooperative
| |
* | GTEC | Golden Triangle Enterprise Center
| |
* | GTEC | Greater Tucson Economic Council
| |
* | GTEC | Gene Technology Ethics and Community
| |
* | GTEC | Grid Technology and Evaluation Center
| |
* | GTEC | Gratiot Technical Education Center
| |
* | GTEC | Golden Triangle Empowerment Center
| |
* | GTEC | Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre
| |
* | GTEC | Georgia Tank Equipment Contractors
| |