Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | GERA | Geranium sp.
| |
***** | GERA | Groupe d'Études et de Recherches en Acupuncture
| |
***** | GERA | Government Employee Rights Act
| |
***** | GERA | Grupo Especial de Rescate en Altura
| |
***** | GERA | Generic Enterprise Reference Architecture
| |
**** | GERA | Generalized Enterprise Reference Architecture
| |
**** | GERA | Glasgow East Regeneration Agency
| |
**** | GERA | Global Entertainment Retail Alliance
| |
**** | GERA | Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture
| |
**** | GERA | Georgia Endurance Riders Association
| |
**** | GERA | Grupo Executivo da Reforma Agrária
| |
**** | GERA | Greenville Enduro Riders Association
| |
*** | GERA | General Engineering Research and Applications
| |
*** | GERA | Georgia Educational Research Association
| |
*** | GERA | Gender and Economic Reform in Africa
| |
*** | GERA | Global Entertainment Retail Association
| |
** | GERA | German Educational Research Association
| |
** | GERA | Global Entrepreneurship Research Association
| |
** | GERA | Georgia Education Research Association
| |
** | GERA | Global Equine Research Alliance
| |
** | GERA | Global Energy Research Associates
| |
* | GERA | Global Electronic Records Association
| |