Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | FTDC | Federação dos Trabalhadores Democrata-Cristãos
| |
***** | FTDC | Fondation Tunisienne de Développement Communautaire
| |
***** | FTDC | Federacao dos Trabalhadores Democratas-Cristaos
| |
***** | FTDC | Field Testing and Development Center
| |
***** | FTDC | Fallon Tribal Development Corporation
| |
***** | FTDC | Firm Transportation Development Cost
| |
**** | FTDC | Foreign Trade Development Centre
| |
**** | FTDC | Florida Transportation Disadvantaged Commission
| |
**** | FTDC | Foreign Trade Development Center
| |
**** | FTDC | Faculty Technology Development Center
| |
**** | FTDC | Family Treatment Drug Court
| |
*** | FTDC | Fair Trade Development Center
| |
*** | FTDC | Fuzzy Torque Distribution Control
| |
*** | FTDC | Footwear Traffic Distribution and Customs
| |
** | FTDC | Florida Trade Data Center
| |
** | FTDC | Fairlane Training and Development Center
| |