Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | FOAC | Fibre Optic Active Component
| |
**** | FOAC | First-Order Autocorrelation Coefficient
| |
**** | FOAC | Franchise Owners Association of Chicagoland
| |
**** | FOAC | Ford Owners Association of the Carolinas
| |
*** | FOAC | Finance Officer Advanced Course
| |
*** | FOAC | Forward Operating Aircraft Controller (UK)
| |
*** | FOAC | Friends of the Old Ausable Channel
| |
*** | FOAC | Federal Office Automation Center
| |
*** | FOAC | Finance Officer Advance Course
| |
** | FOAC | Future Offensive Aircraft Capability
| |
** | FOAC | Flag Officer Aircraft Carriers
| |
** | FOAC | Federal Office Automation Conference
| |
** | FOAC | Flight Operations Assistant Coordinator
| |
** | FOAC | Factum of Amicus Curiae
| |
** | FOAC | Freaked Out and Crying
| |
** | FOAC | FUSE Observers Advisory Committee
| |
** | FOAC | Future Offensive Air Capability
| |
** | FOAC | Friends of the Akonting Center
| |
** | FOAC | Field Operations And Accounting Consolidation
| |
** | FOAC | Fund Operations and Accounting Control
| |
** | FOAC | Fuzzy Obstacle Avoidance Controller
| |
** | FOAC | Fraction Of A Circle
| |
* | FOAC | Firearm Owners Against Crime
| |
* | FOAC | Friends of the Avalanche Center
| |
* | FOAC | Firing on All Cylinders
| |