Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | FDAC | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
| |
***** | FDAC | First Diploma in Animal Care
| |
***** | FDAC | Full Depth Asphalt Concrete
| |
**** | FDAC | Faculty Development Advisory Committee
| |
**** | FDAC | Fédération Dinannaise des Artisans et Commerçants
| |
**** | FDAC | Falun Dafa Association of Canada
| |
**** | FDAC | Fonds Départemental d'Art Contemporain
| |
*** | FDAC | Future Dentists of America Club
| |
*** | FDAC | Failure Detection and Correction
| |
*** | FDAC | Food and Drug Administration Centre
| |
*** | FDAC | Fédération Départementale des Associations de Commerçants
| |
*** | FDAC | Faculty Development and Awards Committee
| |
*** | FDAC | Food and Drugs Administration and Control
| |
** | FDAC | Faculty Development Activities Committee
| |
** | FDAC | Financial Data Advisory Committee
| |
** | FDAC | FDA Drug Advisory Committees
| |
** | FDAC | Faculty Development Advisory Council
| |
** | FDAC | First Data Acquisition Corporation
| |
** | FDAC | French Data Analysis Corporation
| |
** | FDAC | Fund Development Advisory Committee
| |
** | FDAC | Food Drug and Cosmetic
| |
** | FDAC | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
| |
** | FDAC | Fluor Daniel Applied Computer
| |
** | FDAC | Federal Data Access Centre
| |
* | FDAC | Fire Districts Association of California
| |