Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | FBCN | fundacao brasileira para a conservacao da natureza
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***** | FBCN | Federation of British Columbia Naturalists
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***** | FBCN | Financial Baseline Change Notice
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***** | FBCN | Free Business Classifieds Newsletter
| |
***** | FBCN | First Baptist Church of Norfolk
| |
***** | FBCN | First Baptist Church Naples
| |
***** | FBCN | Food Biotechnology Communications Network
| |
**** | FBCN | First Baptist Church in Newton
| |
**** | FBCN | Fellowship Bible Church North
| |
**** | FBCN | Flat Based and Constricted Neck
| |
*** | FBCN | First Baptist Church of Newark
| |
*** | FBCN | Fuzzy Backward Congestion Notification
| |
*** | FBCN | First Baptist Church of Narragansett
| |
* | FBCN | First Baptist Church Niceville
| |