• What does ESCC Stand For?

    For escc we have found 125 definitions.

  • What does ESCC mean? We know 125 definitions for ESCC abbreviation or acronym in 6 categories. Possible ESCC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

ESCC Stands For:

All acronyms (125)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common (1)Government & Military (2)Medicine & Science (6)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (8)Technology, IT etc. (1)
*****ESCCExternal Stress Corrosion Cracking
United States Amy Rank
*****ESCCEnvironmental Stress Corrosion Cracking
****ESCCEnhanced Serial Communication(s) Controller
****ESCCErosion and Sediment Control Component
***ESCCEconomic Social and Cultural Council
***ESCCEsophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
***ESCCEast Sussex County Council
***ESCCEastern Suburbs Cricket Club
***ESCCEngineering Standards Coordinating Committee
**ESCCEconomic and Social Council of China
**ESCCEnergy Security and Climate Change
**ESCCEnvironmental Sustainability and Compliance Conference
**ESCCExecutive Service Corps of Cincinnati
**ESCCEnglish Setter Club of Canada
**ESCCEspirito Santo Contact Center
**ESCCEastern Sydney Chamber Choir
**ESCCElectric System Control Center
**ESCCEuropean Supernova Cosmology Consortium
**ESCCoesophageal squamous cell carcinoma
**ESCCEsophageal Squamous Cell Cancer
**ESCCElizabethton Senior Citizens Center
**ESCCEmployer-Sponsored Child Care
*ESCCEndangered Species Chocolate Company
*ESCCEuropean Steel and Coal Community