Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ERSA | Enhanced Regional Situational Awareness
| |
***** | ERSA | European Regional Science Association
| |
**** | ERSA | External Relative Strength Analyzer
| |
**** | ERSA | Electronic Research Supply Agency
| |
*** | ERSA | erythromycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
| |
*** | ERSA | Eric Sadek
| |
*** | ERSA | Extended Runway Safety Area
| |
*** | ERSA | Efforts to Reduce the Spread of AIDS
| |
*** | ERSA | Emergency Roadside Assistance
| |
*** | ERSA | Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms
| |
*** | ERSA | Employee Retirement Savings Account
| |
*** | ERSA | Equal Resource-Sharing Allocation
| |
*** | ERSA | Estudios de la Realidad Social Argentina
| |
*** | ERSA | Employee Retirement Security Act
| |
*** | ERSA | Ente Regionale Sviluppo Agricolo
| |
** | ERSA | Employment Retirement Savings Accounts
| |
** | ERSA | Ernst Sachs
| |
** | ERSA | Economic Research Southern Africa
| |
** | ERSA | Egyptian Rabbit Science Association
| |
** | ERSA | Employer Retirement Savings Account
| |
** | ERSA | Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Applications
| |
** | ERSA | Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Architectures
| |
* | ERSA | En Route Supplement Australia
| |
* | ERSA | European Rail Software Applications
| |
* | ERSA | Enrollment Reporting System Applicant
| |