Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CWES | Canadian Western Extra Strong
| |
***** | CWES | Carbon and Water in the Earth System
| |
***** | CWES | Canada Western Extra Strong
| |
***** | CWES | Car Wash Equipment and Supplies
| |
***** | CWES | Collaborative Working Environments
| |
**** | CWES | Columbia Willamette Enological Society
| |
**** | CWES | Comprehensive Waste Education Strategy
| |
**** | CWES | Center for West European Studies
| |
*** | CWES | Canadian Weapons Effect Simulation
| |
*** | CWES | Canterbury Woods Elementary School
| |
*** | CWES | Center for Water Environment Studies
| |
*** | CWES | Children and Women Empowerment Society
| |
*** | CWES | City & West End Solutions
| |
*** | CWES | Chemical Warfare Experimental Station
| |
*** | CWES | Child Welfare Emergency Services
| |
*** | CWES | Central Wisconsin Environmental Station
| |
** | CWES | Camping World East Series
| |
** | CWES | Cary Woods Elementary School
| |
** | CWES | Centre for Water and Environmental Studies
| |
** | CWES | Chung Wen Elementary School
| |
* | CWES | Center Woods Elementary School
| |
* | CWES | Commercial Wind Energy System
| |
* | CWES | Centre for World Economy Studies
| |
* | CWES | Center for Watershed Environmental Sustainability
| |
* | CWES | Concordia Welfare and Education Society
| |