Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CWDP | Certified Workforce Development Professional
| |
**** | CWDP | Charles Web Debugging Proxy
| |
*** | CWDP | Conversations with Dead People
| |
*** | CWDP | certified wireless development professional
| |
*** | CWDP | Care Workforce Development Partnership
| |
*** | CWDP | Casualty Weapon Direction Panel
| |
*** | CWDP | Center for Wise Democratic Processes
| |
*** | CWDP | Comprehensive Watershed Development Project
| |
** | CWDP | Certified Wildlife Damage Professionals
| |
** | CWDP | Coatls World of Darkness Page
| |
** | CWDP | common worship daily prayer
| |
** | CWDP | Central Wisconsin Digital Project
| |
** | CWDP | Churchill Way Dental Practice
| |
* | CWDP | California Wood Duck Program
| |