Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CPDE | Center for Peace and Disarmament Education
| |
***** | CPDE | Center for Pastoralist Development and Empowerment
| |
***** | CPDE | Centre for Peace and Disarmament Education
| |
***** | CPDE | Centre for Professional Development in Education
| |
***** | CPDE | Certificate of Professional Development in Education
| |
***** | CPDE | Compagnie Parisienne de Distribution d'Électricité
| |
***** | CPDE | Computer Products Distribution Europe
| |
***** | CPDE | Consejo Para la Desregulaci=n Econ=mica
| |
**** | CPDE | Continuing Professional Development Education
| |
**** | CPDE | Computational Partial Differential Equations
| |
**** | CPDE | continuing professional distance education
| |
**** | CPDE | Continuing Professional Development and Evaluation Studies
| |
**** | CPDE | Center for Professional and Distance Education
| |
**** | CPDE | Certified Process Design Engineer
| |
**** | CPDE | Coated Peonja Dry Elixir
| |
*** | CPDE | Continuing Professional Development and Evaluation
| |
*** | CPDE | Continuous Professional Distance Education
| |
** | CPDE | Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics
| |
** | CPDE | Canadian Powersports Dealer Expo
| |
| |
* | CPDE | Coffee Plantation Development Enterprise
| |
* | CPDE | Certified Petroleum Distribution Engineer
| |
* | CPDE | Continuing Professional Development Experiences
| |