• What does COVER Stand For?

    For cover we have found 15 definitions.

  • What does COVER mean? We know 15 definitions for COVER abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible COVER meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

COVER Stands For:

All acronyms (15)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common (2)Government & Military (5)Medicine & Science (1)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (3)Technology, IT etc. (1)
*****COVER CHARGE.In a restaurant or nightclub, an added fee in addition to whatever is charged for food and beverages. In effect, an admission charge. A cover charge is most often encountered in establishments that pr
*****COVER LETTER.A business letter which accompanies other documents or goods and explains the contents and purpose of what is being sent.
****COVER(DOD,NATO) 2.Those measures necessary to give protection to a person, plan, operation, formation, or installation from the enemy intelligence effort and leakage of information.
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***COVER(DOD,NATO) 1.The action by land, air, or sea forces to protect by offense, defense, or threat of either or both.
***COVERCommunity and Voluntary Forum for the Eastern Region
***COVER(DOD,NATO) 3.The act of maintaining a continuous receiver watch with transmitter calibrated and available, but not necessarily available for immediate use.
***COVER(DOD,NATO) 4.Shelter or protection, either natural or artificial.
*COVERcover of vaccination evaluated rapidly
*COVERCommander's Observation Vehicle for Elevated Reconnaissance
*COVERCut-Off Velocity and Range
*COVERCorps of Volunteers Effecting Repair
*COVERCaptive Office Vintage Equipment Records
*COVERCoverage of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly