Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | COVA | Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance
| |
***** | COVA | Court of Veterans Appeals
| |
***** | COVA | Chapelizod Old Village Association
| |
***** | COVA | chicken ovalbumin
| |
***** | COVA | Combined Organizations for the Visual Arts
| |
***** | COVA | Counseling and Vocational Assessment
| |
**** | COVA | Computer Code Validation
| |
**** | COVA | Change of Vehicle Assignment
| |
**** | COVA | Center of Vocational Alternatives
| |
*** | COVA | Central Orleans Volunteer Ambulance
| |
*** | COVA | Colorado Virtual Academy
| |
*** | COVA | Committee on Visual Arts
| |
*** | COVA | Criminal Offence Victims Act
| |
*** | COVA | Commission of Voluntary Agencies
| |
*** | COVA | central ontario viniculture association
| |
*** | COVA | Council of Vehicle Associations
| |
*** | COVA | Confederation of Voluntary Association
| |
*** | COVA | Centraal Orgaan Voorraadvorming Aardolieproducten
| |
** | COVA | Confederation of Voluntary Agencies
| |
** | COVA | Council of Virginia Archaeologists
| |
** | COVA | council of volunteer administrators
| |
** | COVA | Central Oregon Visitors Association
| |
* | COVA | Committee On Veterans Affairs
| |