Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CNSF | Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas
| |
**** | CNSF | Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Finanzas
| |
**** | CNSF | Clinical Nurse Specialist Foundation
| |
**** | CNSF | China National Science Foundation
| |
**** | CNSF | Commander, Naval Surface Forces
| |
**** | CNSF | central nervous system failure
| |
**** | CNSF | Commander Naval Submarine Forces
| |
*** | CNSF | Chinese Natural Science Foundation
| |
*** | CNSF | China Natural Science Foundation
| |
*** | CNSF | Cote du Nord Specialized Fishing
| |
*** | CNSF | China Natural Science Fund
| |
*** | CNSF | Collège National des Sages-Femmes
| |
*** | CNSF | Centre National des Semences Forestières
| |
*** | CNSF | Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation
| |
** | CNSF | Centre Nationale d' tudes Spatiales France
| |
** | CNSF | Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
| |
** | CNSF | Chris Nedelcovych Soccer Foundation
| |
** | CNSF | Computer Network Support Facility
| |
* | CNSF | Colts Neck Sports Foundation
| |
* | CNSF | Chinese National Science Foundation
| |
* | CNSF | Coalition for National Science Funding
| |
* | CNSF | Council of the National Salvation Front
| |
* | CNSF | Cornell National Supercomputing Facility
| |
* | CNSF | Canadian National Sport Fishing
| |
* | CNSF | Civilian National Security Force
| |