Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CNRE | Center for Nursing Research and Evaluation
| |
***** | CNRE | Canadian Nurse Registration Examination
| |
***** | CNRE | Commander Naval Region Europe
| |
***** | CNRE | contrast-to-noise ratio
| |
***** | CNRE | Computer Networks for Research in Europe
| |
***** | CNRE | Centre for Natural Resource Enterprise
| |
***** | CNRE | College of Natural Resources Environment
| |
***** | CNRE | Commander, Navy Region Europe
| |
**** | CNRE | Center for Nursing Research on Elders
| |
**** | CNRE | Conselho Nacional de Representantes Estaduais
| |
*** | CNRE | CNR the National Research
| |
*** | CNRE | Command Naval Region Europe
| |
*** | CNRE | Contingency Response
| |
*** | CNRE | Canada Natural Resources Energy
| |
** | CNRE | Cheryl Neu Real Estate
| |
** | CNRE | Coalition for Natural Resource Education
| |
** | CNRE | Cooperative Network on Rural Energy
| |
* | CNRE | Children Not Receiving Education
| |