Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CNPC | Chinese National Petroleum Corp
| |
***** | CNPC | China National Philatelic Corporation
| |
**** | CNPC | Centre National Professionnel pour la Commercialisation des Articles de Sport et Loisir
| |
**** | CNPC | China National Petroleum Corporation
| |
**** | CNPC | Chronic Non-Productive Cough
| |
**** | CNPC | China National Petroleum Company
| |
**** | CNPC | Cambridge and Newmarket Polo Club
| |
**** | CNPC | Conselho Nacional de Previdência Complementar
| |
*** | CNPC | Community Nutrition Partnership Council
| |
*** | CNPC | China's National Petroleum Corporation
| |
*** | CNPC | Complex Noun Phrase Constraint
| |
*** | CNPC | Corporación Nacional del Petróleo de China
| |
*** | CNPC | Care Net Pregnancy Center
| |
** | CNPC | Conseil National de la Protection Civile
| |
** | CNPC | Consolidated Nuclear Production Center
| |
** | CNPC | Centro Nacional de la Productividad y la Calidad
| |
** | CNPC | Comissão Nacional de Protecção Civil
| |
** | CNPC | Commander, Navy Personnel Command
| |
** | CNPC | Chinese National Petroleum Company
| |
** | CNPC | China National Petrol Corporation
| |
** | CNPC | Chinese National Petroleum Co
| |
** | CNPC | Chinese National Petroleum Corporation
| |
** | CNPC | Conseil National des Professions du Cycle
| |
** | CNPC | Conselho Nacional de Política Cultural
| |
** | CNPC | Committee of the National People's Congress
| |