Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CNLS | Complex Nonlinear Least Squares (data Fitting Method)
| |
**** | CNLS | classical nuclear localization sequence
| |
**** | CNLS | Comissão Nacional de Luta Contra a Sida
| |
**** | CNLS | Connectionless Network Layer Service
| |
**** | CNLS | Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares
| |
*** | CNLS | Center for NonLinear Science
| |
*** | CNLS | Convex Nonparametric Least Squares
| |
*** | CNLS | Controlled Natural Languages
| |
*** | CNLS | coupled nonlinear Schrödinger
| |
*** | CNLS | classical nuclear localization signal
| |
*** | CNLS | Center for Nonlinear Studies
| |
*** | CNLS | Computer Network Lecturing System
| |
** | CNLS | Connectionist Normalized Local Spline
| |
** | CNLS | Centre for Non Linear Studies
| |
** | CNLS | Complexity and Non Linear System
| |
* | CNLS | Complexity and Non Linear Social
| |
* | CNLS | Competitive Need Limits
| |
* | CNLS | Chin National League for Solidarity
| |
* | CNLS | Center for Non-Linear Studies
| |
* | CNLS | Competitive Need Limitations
| |
* | CNLS | Clinical Nurse Leaders
| |