Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CNCP | Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle
| |
***** | CNCP | California Northstate College of Pharmacy
| |
***** | CNCP | Canadian National/Canadian Pacific
| |
**** | CNCP | Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
| |
**** | CNCP | Club Nautique de Châtelaillon-Plage
| |
**** | CNCP | Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
| |
**** | CNCP | Canadian Nursery Certification Program
| |
**** | CNCP | Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales
| |
*** | CNCP | Commission nationale de certification professionnelle
| |
*** | CNCP | Conseil National des Comités Populaires
| |
*** | CNCP | Certified Nanotechnology and Clean Technology Professional
| |
*** | CNCP | Critical Need Certification Program
| |
*** | CNCP | Conselho Nacional de Combate à Pirataria
| |
*** | CNCP | Computer Numerical Control Programming
| |
*** | CNCP | chronic noncancer pain
| |
*** | CNCP | Caisse Nationale de Crédit Professionnel
| |
*** | CNCP | Cámara Nacional de Casación Penal
| |
*** | CNCP | Coordinamento Nazionale Counsellor Professionisti
| |
*** | CNCP | Closed Nuclear Centres Partnership
| |
** | CNCP | Carbon Neutral Capital Program
| |
** | CNCP | Commonwealth National Competition Policy
| |
** | CNCP | Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium
| |
* | CNCP | Closed Nuclear Centres Programme
| |
* | CNCP | Carolina National Corporation
| |
* | CNCP | Coastwide Nutria Control Program
| |