Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CMLE | Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange
| |
***** | CMLE | Continuing Medical Laboratory Education
| |
*** | CMLE | Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation
| |
*** | CMLE | Computer Mediated Learning Environment
| |
*** | CMLE | Centre for Medical Ethics
| |
*** | CMLE | Centre of Medical Law and Ethics
| |
*** | CMLE | Center for Microwave and Lightwave Engineering
| |
*** | CMLE | Classic Maximum Likelihood Estimation
| |
*** | CMLE | Conditional Maximum-Likelihood Estimate
| |
** | CMLE | Central Minnesota Library Exchange
| |
** | CMLE | Critical Mass Leadership Education
| |
** | CMLE | Classical Music Lovers' Exchange
| |
* | CMLE | cis muconate lactonising enzyme
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