Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CFLT | Calorimeter First Level Trigger
| |
***** | CFLT | Courtesy Flight
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***** | CFLT | Cry for Liberty Team
| |
**** | CFLT | Commandement de la Force Logistique Terrestre
| |
**** | CFLT | Consumer and Financial Literacy Taskforce
| |
**** | CFLT | Coupling Facility Locking Table
| |
**** | CFLT | Community Farm Land Trust
| |
**** | CFLT | Corsets From Lord Taylor
| |
**** | CFLT | Community Foundation Land Trust
| |
**** | CFLT | Community Foundations Leadership Team
| |
**** | CFLT | California Friendly Landscape Training
| |
*** | CFLT | Canadian Forestry and Land Types
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