Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CEGA | Combined Epidural-General Anesthesia
| |
***** | CEGA | Centro de Estudios Ganaderos y Agricolas
| |
***** | CEGA | Conseil Évaluation Gestion des Assurances
| |
***** | CEGA | Combustion Engineering/General Atomics
| |
***** | CEGA | China Environmental Global Alliance
| |
**** | CEGA | Cooperativa Editoriale Giornali Associati
| |
**** | CEGA | Central Electricity Generating Authority
| |
**** | CEGA | Community Engagement Group Australia
| |
**** | CEGA | Central Earth Government and Administration
| |
**** | CEGA | Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy
| |
**** | CEGA | Cega Aviation
| |
*** | CEGA | Center for Evaluation of Global Action
| |
** | CEGA | Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives
| |
** | CEGA | Centro di Etica Generale e Applicata
| |