Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CCEN | Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing
| |
***** | CCEN | Club des Créateurs et des Entreprises Nouvelles
| |
***** | CCEN | Camden Community Empowerment Network
| |
***** | CCEN | Commission Consultative d'Evaluation des Normes
| |
***** | CCEN | Centro Cultural de España en Nicaragua
| |
**** | CCEN | Coastal Carolina Emergency Net
| |
**** | CCEN | Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza
| |
**** | CCEN | Canadian College Environmental Network
| |
**** | CCEN | Center for Cognitive and Educational Neuroscience
| |
*** | CCEN | Cross Campus Environment Network
| |
*** | CCEN | Comisió Chilena Energía Nuclear
| |
*** | CCEN | Community Cultural and Educational Non
| |
** | CCEN | China Clean Energy Network
| |
** | CCEN | City Cruzer Entertainment News
| |
* | CCEN | Champions for Children Electronic Network
| |