Measurement Abbreviations
There are currently three major measurement systems which are widely used in different countries of the world. United States use their own US customary units, United Kingdom and some other countries of the British Commonwealth use imperial system and the rest of the world use metric system of measurement. Having different systems of measurement in different countries is not very beneficial for trade and that is why metrication (switching to a sole metric system) is being carried out around the world with varying degrees of success.
Each measurement system employs different measurement units which are in most cases abbreviated to simplify their reading. Abbreviations of some measurement units, like kg or cm, are well-known to any person around the world but some abbreviations, like lb or pt, will be confusing for those people who use a different measurement system. If you come across an abbreviation of a volume, area, weight or length unit that you do not know, try looking for it in this comprehensive list of measurement abbreviations. It includes all measurement abbreviations that are widely used today, and can serve as a reference material.
Look through 111 acronyms and abbreviations related to Measurement:
A |
Ampere |
B |
Byte |
b |
Bit |
Barrel |
BQ |
Becquerel |
C |
Cup |
C |
Celsius |
C |
Centigrade |
Calorie |
CC |
Cubic Centimeter |
CI |
Curie |
cm |
Centimeter |
CM2 |
Square Centimeter |
cm3 |
cubic centimeter (milliliter) |
cpm |
counts per minute |
CU |
Cubic |
D |
Deci- |
da |
deca |
Da |
Dalton |
do. |
dozen |
E |
Exa- |
EQ |
Equivalent |
F |
Femto- (10^-15, SI Prefix) |
fl.oz. |
fluid ounce |
FT |
foot (unit of length) |
G |
Gram (g) |
G |
Giga- |
G |
Gauss |
Gallon |
GB |
Gigabyte |
GR |
Grain |
Gro |
Gross |
H |
Hecto- |
H |
Hour |
HA |
Hectare |
Hz |
cycles per second (hertz) |
IN |
Inch |
J |
Joule |
k |
Kilometer |
k |
Kilogram |
K |
Kilo- |
K |
Karat |
K |
Knot |
K |
Kilobyte |
KB |
Knowledge Base |
Kilo Calorie |
kg |
Kilogram |
kL |
kiloliter |
Km |
Kilometer (1,000 meters) |
KN |
Knot |
kph |
kilometers per hour |
Kw |
Kilowatt (one thousand watts) (measurement) |
kWh |
Kilowatt hour (one thousand watt hours) (measurement) |
L |
Liter |
lb |
Pound |
LT |
Long Ton |
M |
Milli |
M |
Mega - One Thousand (in Roman Numerals) |
m |
Meter |
M |
Molecular |
MB |
Megabyte |
MG |
milligram; 1/1000 gram |
MI |
Mile |
Minute |
ML |
milliliter; 1/1000 liter |
mM |
millimolar (millimoles/liter) |
mm |
Millimeter |
Mole |
Miles Per Hour |
MR |
relative molecular mass |
MT |
Metric Ton |
N |
Nano |
n.m. |
nautical miles |
nm |
Nanometer |
nM |
Nanomolar |
OZ |
Ounce |
P |
Peta- |
P |
Pico- |
PM |
Picometer |
pM |
picomolar |
PT |
Pint |
QT |
Quart |
Rf |
Retardation Factor |
Revolutions Per Minute, (Rotations Per Minute) |
s |
second (do NOT use "sec" for "second;" use "sec" for "secant") |
s20,°w |
sedimentation coefficient in water at 20 °C, |
SQ |
Square |
t |
teaspoon |
T |
Tera |
T |
Ton |
T |
tablespoon |
Tablespoon |
Tablespoon |
Teaspoon |
V |
Volt (measurement) |
W |
Watt |
YD |
Yard |
[α]t |
specific rotation |
°C |
Celsius |
°C |
degree centigrade |
µ |
micron |
µ |
Micro |
µG |
Microgram |
µl |
microliter |
µm |
Micrometer |
µM |
micromolar (micromoles/liter) |
Å |
Ångstrom |
ΔG |
Gibbs energy change |
ΔH |
enthalpy change |
ΔS |
entropy change |
Еg |
microgram |