Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | BTMA | Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
| |
***** | BTMA | Boston Tooling and Machine Association, Inc
| |
***** | BTMA | British Turned Parts Manufacturers Association
| |
***** | BTMA | British Typewriter Manufacturers Association
| |
***** | BTMA | Bed Load Transportmeter Arnhem
| |
***** | BTMA | Busy Tone Multiple Access
| |
**** | BTMA | Business Technology Management Association
| |
**** | BTMA | Boston Tooling and Machining Association
| |
**** | BTMA | Bandes Transporteuses Marie-Antoine
| |
**** | BTMA | British Tyre Manufacturers Association Ltd
| |
**** | BTMA | Bow Tie Manufacturers Association
| |
*** | BTMA | Berg Talent Model Agency
| |
*** | BTMA | Bangladesh Textile Manufacturers Association
| |
*** | BTMA | Baek Tiger Martial Arts
| |
*** | BTMA | Best Technical Means Available
| |
*** | BTMA | Brighton Township Municipal Authority
| |
*** | BTMA | Bethel Township Municipal Authority
| |
** | BTMA | British Taekwondo Mudo Academy
| |
** | BTMA | Bad Table Manners Anonymous
| |
** | BTMA | British Textile Machinery Association
| |
** | BTMA | Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Australia
| |
** | BTMA | British Tyre Manufacturers Association
| |
* | BTMA | Baltimore Trans-Masculine Alliance
| |
* | BTMA | Bluegrass Tourism Marketing Association
| |
* | BTMA | Benzyltrimethylammonium
| |