Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | BLPS | Boon Lay Primary School
| |
***** | BLPS | ballistic laser protection system
| |
**** | BLPS | Base Level Personnel System
| |
**** | BLPS | Butterfly Luzon Peacock Swallow
| |
**** | BLPS | Ballistic And Laser Protective Spectacles
| |
**** | BLPS | Ballistic/Laser Protective Spectacles
| |
**** | BLPS | Blackburn Lake Primary School
| |
**** | BLPS | ballistics/laser eye protection system
| |
*** | BLPS | Bayesian Logic Programs
| |
*** | BLPS | Bahamas Lighthouse Preservation Society
| |
*** | BLPS | Ballinger Lonestar Packaging Systems
| |
*** | BLPS | Brown List of Physics Sites
| |
*** | BLPS | Biographies of living persons
| |
*** | BLPS | Boundary Layer Profiler System
| |
** | BLPS | bombesin-like peptides
| |
** | BLPS | Ben Lomond Public School
| |
** | BLPS | Benchmark Laser Printer Supply
| |
** | BLPS | Boundary Layer Profilers
| |
** | BLPS | Biography Live Pictures Samples
| |
** | BLPS | Bantuan Langsung Pemberdayaan Sosial
| |
| |
* | BLPS | Belfast Lough Pilotage Services
| |