Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | APSL | Apple Public Source License
| |
***** | APSL | Apple Public Software License
| |
***** | APSL | Appleb Public Source License
| |
***** | APSL | Association for the Promotion of the Study of Latin
| |
**** | APSL | Advance Petroleum Services Ltd
| |
**** | APSL | Army Primary Standards Laboratory
| |
**** | APSL | Australian Property Systems Limited
| |
**** | APSL | Authentication Protocol Specification Language
| |
**** | APSL | Australian Property Systems Ltd
| |
**** | APSL | Association pour la Protection du Site de la
| |
**** | APSL | Academic Programs and Student Life
| |
**** | APSL | Approved Products and Services List
| |
**** | APSL | Asia Pacific School of Logistics
| |
**** | APSL | American Professional Soccer League
| |
*** | APSL | American Philosophical Society Library
| |
*** | APSL | Association of Philadelphia School Libraries
| |
*** | APSL | Arlington Premier Soccer League
| |
*** | APSL | Association of Philadelphia School Librarians
| |
** | APSL | Association Profession Sport Loisirs
| |
** | APSL | Army Primary Standards Lab
| |
** | APSL | Australian Pensioners and Superannuants League, Qld. Inc.
| |
** | APSL | Achilles Professional Services Ltd
| |
** | APSL | Advanced Powder Synthesis Laboratory
| |
** | APSL | Astro Printing Service Limited
| |
** | APSL | Americans for Peace in Sri Lanka
| |