Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AIEP | Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
| |
***** | AIEP | American Institute of Executive Protection, Inc.
| |
***** | AIEP | Association of Industrial Engineers of the Philippines
| |
***** | AIEP | Association Internationale des Études Patristiques
| |
***** | AIEP | Adult Individual Educational Plan
| |
***** | AIEP | Area Intensive Education Project
| |
**** | AIEP | Association Internationale des Experts en Philatélie
| |
**** | AIEP | Anglo Irish Engineering Projects
| |
**** | AIEP | American Indian Education Program
| |
**** | AIEP | Associação da Imprensa Estrangeira Em Portugal
| |
**** | AIEP | Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
| |
**** | AIEP | Archivo Internazionale di Etnografia e Preistoria
| |
**** | AIEP | Association Internationale des Experts Philateliques
| |
**** | AIEP | American Institute for English Proficiency
| |
**** | AIEP | American Indian Emphasis Program
| |
**** | AIEP | Association of Independent Electricity Producers
| |
*** | AIEP | Asociación Internacional de Escritores Policiácos
| |
*** | AIEP | American Indian Employment Program
| |
*** | AIEP | Army Ideas of Excellence Program
| |
*** | AIEP | Aeronautical Industrial Engineering and Project
| |
*** | AIEP | Art in Embassies Program
| |
** | AIEP | Academic Intensive English Program
| |
| |
** | AIEP | Art in Embassy Program
| |
** | AIEP | Asian International Executive Programme
| |