Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AFPA | Aspergillus Flavus Parasiticus Agar
| |
*** | AFPA | Association Nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes
| |
*** | AFPA | Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association
| |
*** | AFPA | Associate of the Financial Planning Association
| |
*** | AFPA | Air Force Petroleum Agency
| |
** | AFPA | Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks
| |
** | AFPA | Alberta Forest Products Association
| |
** | AFPA | Association Food Processors Association
| |
** | AFPA | Agricultural Fair Practices Act
| |
** | AFPA | Albanian Family Planning Association
| |
** | AFPA | Alberta Foster Parent Association
| |
** | AFPA | American Fitness Professional Association
| |
** | AFPA | Adaptive Focal Plane Array
| |
** | AFPA | Association Française de la Presse Automobile
| |
** | AFPA | S)-4-amino-5-fluoropentanoic acid
| |
** | AFPA | American Fire Protection Association
| |
** | AFPA | Association Française de Pédiatrie Ambulatoire
| |
** | AFPA | Association de Formation Professionnelle des Adultes
| |
** | AFPA | American Fitness Professional Associates
| |
* | AFPA | Agence pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes
| |
* | AFPA | American Farm Pullers Association
| |
* | AFPA | Association of Financial Planners and Advisors
| |
* | AFPA | Albania Family Planning Association
| |
* | AFPA | Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys
| |
* | AFPA | Australian Federal Police Association
| |