Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AESM | Agence européenne de sécurité maritime
| |
| |
**** | AESM | Albert Einstein School of Medicine
| |
**** | AESM | Anglo Eastern Ship Management
| |
*** | AESM | Agenzia europea per la sicurezza marittima
| |
*** | AESM | Airborne Electronic Support Measures
| |
** | AESM | Athletic Edge Sports Medicine
| |
** | AESM | Anglo-Eastern Ship Management Ltd.
| |
** | AESM | Association of Equine Sports Medicine
| |
** | AESM | Australian Essential Services Maintenance
| |
** | AESM | Agencia Europea de Seguridad Marítima
| |
** | AESM | Attitude Ephemeris State Data Maintenance
| |
** | AESM | All Ethiopian Socialist Movement
| |
* | AESM | Agrupamento de Escolas da Serra das Minas
| |
* | AESM | Agrupación Electores San Martín
| |
* | AESM | Acting Emergency Support Manager
| |
* | AESM | Alt.Emergency.Services.Moderated
| |
* | AESM | a en Salud Mental
| |