Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AATE | Advanced Affordable Turbine Engine
| |
***** | AATE | Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine
| |
***** | AATE | Australian Association for the Teaching of English
| |
**** | AATE | American Association of Teachers of Esperanto
| |
**** | AATE | Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Espacial
| |
**** | AATE | Arctic Acoustic Transmission Experiment
| |
**** | AATE | Alliance for Theatre Education
| |
**** | AATE | American Association of Theatre Educators
| |
**** | AATE | African American Theatre Ensemble
| |
**** | AATE | American Alliance for Theater Education
| |
**** | AATE | Association of Teachers of English
| |
** | AATE | Association for Theatre and Education
| |
** | AATE | American Alliance for Theatre and Education's
| |
** | AATE | African American Theatrical Ensemble
| |
** | AATE | American Alliance for Theatre and Education
| |
* | AATE | Autoridad Autónoma del Tren Eléctrico
| |
* | AATE | Atlanta Area Technology Educators
| |
* | AATE | Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
| |
* | AATE | African American Theater Ensemble
| |
* | AATE | Associations for the Teaching of English
| |
* | AATE | Air Armament trials Establishment
| |
* | AATE | Austrade Australian Trade Export
| |