Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | WPTC | Willison Park Tennis Club
| |
***** | WPTC | World Processing Tomato Council
| |
***** | WPTC | Wyoming Park Theater Company
| |
***** | WPTC | Water Pollution Treatment and Control
| |
***** | WPTC | Wildlife Preservation Trust Canada
| |
***** | WPTC | Wood Processing and Training Centre
| |
***** | WPTC | World Poker Tour Championship
| |
***** | WPTC | White Plains Transportation Center
| |
**** | WPTC | World Pastry Team Championship
| |
**** | WPTC | Washington Park Tennis Club
| |
**** | WPTC | Waste Processing and Tank Closure
| |
**** | WPTC | White Pine Trust Corporation
| |
**** | WPTC | Western Pennsylvania Track Club
| |
**** | WPTC | Wanjie Proton Therapy Center
| |
**** | WPTC | World Professional Taekwondo Champion
| |
**** | WPTC | Whitehall Pool and Tennis Club
| |
**** | WPTC | World Professional Taekwondo Circuit
| |
**** | WPTC | West Prairie Trail Conference
| |
**** | WPTC | Windows Professional Technology Center
| |
**** | WPTC | Westchester Putnam Teacher Center
| |
**** | WPTC | Western Pacific Trust Company
| |
**** | WPTC | Weston Playhouse Theatre Company
| |
**** | WPTC | Winnetka Platform Tennis Club
| |
*** | WPTC | Wigan Pier Theatre Company
| |
*** | WPTC | World Pastry Team Championships
| |