• What does WISA Stand For?

    For WISA we have found 53 definitions.

  • What does WISA mean? We know 53 definitions for WISA abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible WISA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

WISA Stands For:

All acronyms (53)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common (2)Government & Military (1)Medicine & Science Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (3)Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****WISAWire Industry Suppliers Association
***WISAWechsler Intelligence Scale for adults
**WISAWaterloo Ismaili Students Association
**WISAWeb Information Systems and Applications
*WISAWorkshop on Information Security Assurance
*WISAWeb Investigations and Security Agency
*WISAWhat If Scenario Analysis
*WISAWaite Institute Students' Association
*WISAWorkshop on Information Security Applications
*WISAWater Institute of South Africa
*WISAWest Indies Sugar Association
*WISAWednesday Independent Supporters Association
*WISAWest Indies States Association
*WISAWillamette International Student Association
*WISAWimbledon Independent Supporters Association
*WISAWestern India Shippers Association
*WISAWomen in Science Award
*WISAWoolwich Independent Staff Association
*WISAWireless Interface for Sensors and Actuators
*WISAWine Industry Suppliers Australia
*WISAWashington International Staff Associations
*WISAWater Infrastructure Solutions Alliance
*WISAWest Indian Softball Association
*WISAWestern India States Agency
*WISAWork Incentives Software Advisory