Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | VSAP | Vasospastic Angina Pectoris
| |
**** | VSAP | Vendor-Specific Authentication Protocol
| |
**** | VSAP | virginia state assessment program
| |
**** | VSAP | Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Act of 2005
| |
*** | VSAP | Violence and Substance Abuse Prevention
| |
*** | VSAP | Virginia State Association of Parliamentarians
| |
*** | VSAP | Verification Sampling and Analysis Plan
| |
** | VSAP | Voting Systems Assessment Project
| |
** | VSAP | Visitor Services Action Plan
| |
** | VSAP | Voluntary Sector Awareness Project
| |
** | VSAP | Visiting Scientists from Abroad Programme
| |
** | VSAP | Virtual Socket Association Protocol
| |
** | VSAP | Virtual Soft Advanced Professionals
| |
* | VSAP | Victorian Students' Aid Program
| |
* | VSAP | Victorian Stormwater Action Program
| |