Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | TRBA | Toms River Basketball Association
| |
**** | TRBA | Tennessee River Baptist Association
| |
**** | TRBA | Technischen Regeln für Biologische Arbeitsstoffe
| |
**** | TRBA | The Relative Block Address
| |
**** | TRBA | Tar River Baptist Association
| |
**** | TRBA | Technische Regeln Biologische Arbeitsstoffe
| |
*** | TRBA | Tennessee Road Builders Association
| |
*** | TRBA | Three Rivers Baptist Association
| |
*** | TRBA | Texas Rabbit Breeders Association
| |
*** | TRBA | Trinity River Baptist Association
| |
*** | TRBA | Transmission Revenue Balancing Account
| |
*** | TRBA | Technische Regeln für Biologische Arbeitsstoffe
| |
** | TRBA | Technische Regel Biologische Arbeitsstoffe
| |
** | TRBA | Theron Rankin Baptist Association
| |
** | TRBA | TROT Rare Breeds Association
| |
** | TRBA | Thai Rabbit Breeders Association
| |
* | TRBA | The Rural Book Aboriginal
| |
* | TRBA | Two Rivers Business Association
| |
* | TRBA | Tax Regulatory and Business Advisory
| |
* | TRBA | Technical Rules for Biological Agents
| |