Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | TEARS | The El Adem Radio Service
| |
*** | TEARS | Telecommunications Equipment Automated Retrieval System
| |
*** | TEARS | Telecommunications Emitter Automated Retrieval System
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*** | TEARS | Traffic Engineering for Automatic Route Selection
| |
*** | TEARS | The Emma Animal Rescue Society
| |
*** | TEARS | The Employee Activity Reporting System
| |
*** | TEARS | Telling Everyone About Rape & Suicide
| |
** | TEARS | Telephone Entry and Reporting System
| |
** | TEARS | Thyroid Epidemiology, Audit, and Research Study
| |
** | TEARS | The Emergency Animal Rescue Service
| |
** | TEARS | Team Eifel Amateur Radio Society
| |
** | TEARS | Tank effect augmentation by remote subsystems
| |
* | TEARS | Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service
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