Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | SESAM | Software Engineering Simulation by Animated Models
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**** | SESAM | Système Electronique de Saisie de l'Assurance Maladie
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**** | SESAM | Sporcu Eğitim Sağlık Araştırma Merkezi
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**** | SESAM | Speech Enabled Storz Communication Bus Module
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**** | SESAM | Security Enhanced System for Access Management
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**** | SESAM | Sustainable Energy Systems and Management
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**** | SESAM | School of Environmental Science and Management
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**** | SESAM | Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror
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**** | SESAM | Selected Essential Item Stockage for Availability Model
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**** | SESAM | Swiss Etiological Study of Adjustment and Mental
| |
*** | SESAM | Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine
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** | SESAM | Synergetische Erkennung Mittels Standbild, Akustik Und Motorik
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** | SESAM | Stochastic Energy Source Access Management
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* | SESAM | System for Electronic Support of Academic Material
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* | SESAM | Small European Students of Architecture Meeting
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* | SESAM | Seed Extraction Sequence Analysis Method
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