Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | SFIT | Service Forum Internationale Technologiekooperation
| |
***** | SFIT | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
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***** | SFIT | Software Fault Injection Technique
| |
**** | SFIT | Stream File Information Table
| |
**** | SFIT | System for Information Technology, Inc.
| |
**** | SFIT | Smart Field Identification Technology
| |
**** | SFIT | Soft Foam Injection Technology
| |
*** | SFIT | Slanted Finger Interdigital Transducers
| |
*** | SFIT | S F Institute of Technology
| |
*** | SFIT | Structural Funds Information Team
| |
*** | SFIT | Synthetic Fluid Inclusion Technique
| |
** | SFIT | Smart Fabrics and Intelligent Textiles
| |
** | SFIT | Superannuation Fund Investment Trust
| |
* | SFIT | Seattle Festival of Improv Theater
| |
* | SFIT | Small Firms Impact Test
| |
* | SFIT | Seattle Festival of Improv Theatre
| |
* | SFIT | Seattle Festival of Improvisational Theater
| |
* | SFIT | St Francis Institute of Technology
| |
* | SFIT | Silicone Ferrofluid Internal Tamponade
| |
* | SFIT | Smart Fabrics Interactive Textiles
| |
* | SFIT | Seattle Fibromyalgia International Team
| |
* | SFIT | Sistema Formativo Informatico Territoriale
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