What does SDTP Stand For?
For SDTP we have found 25 definitions.
What does SDTP mean? We know 25 definitions for SDTP abbreviation or acronym in 2 categories. Possible SDTP meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
SDTP Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | SDTP | Space Development Theory and Practice | |
***** | SDTP | Stress Disorder Treatment Program (US VA; Topeka, KS) | |
***** | SDTP | Spatial Data Transfer Processor Geographic | |
**** | SDTP | Syndicat des Directeurs de Théâtres Privés | |
**** | SDTP | Student Drug Testing Program (various organizations) | |
*** | SDTP | Secure Data Transfer Protocol | |
*** | SDTP | System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Procedures | |
*** | SDTP | Serial Data Transport Protocol | |
*** | SDTP | Secure Distributed Transaction Processing | |
*** | SDTP | School Drug Testing Program | |
*** | SDTP | System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Procedures (book) | |
*** | SDTP | Services Designer Test Procedures | |
*** | SDTP | Staff Development Training Planning | |
*** | SDTP | Student Development Transcript Program | |
** | SDTP | Staff Development and Training Project | |
** | SDTP | School District Teaching Permits | |
** | SDTP | Solaris Day Trading Program | |
** | SDTP | Scottish Drugs Training Project | |
** | SDTP | Sustainable Development Through Planning | |
** | SDTP | System Default Terminal Profile | |
** | SDTP | State Drug Treatment Program | |
* | SDTP | Student-Directed Transition Planning | |
* | SDTP | Student-Directed Transition Planning (University of Oklahoma) | |
* | SDTP | Specification, Drawing, Standards Publication | |
* | SDTP | South Dakota Tech Prep |