Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | RAAA | Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
| |
***** | RAAA | Russian Advertising Agencies Association
| |
***** | RAAA | Rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm
| |
***** | RAAA | Romanian Advertising Agencies Association
| |
**** | RAAA | Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Axis
| |
**** | RAAA | Registered Amateur Athletic Association (Canada)
| |
**** | RAAA | rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm
| |
**** | RAAA | Regional Airline Association of Australia
| |
*** | RAAA | Recording Artists Association of America
| |
*** | RAAA | Related Agencies Appropriations Act
| |
*** | RAAA | Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging
| |
*** | RAAA | Rusk Area Arts Alliance
| |
** | RAAA | Regional Aviation Association of Australia
| |
** | RAAA | Rosemount Area Athletic Association (Rosemount, MN)
| |
** | RAAA | Red Angus Association of America
| |
** | RAAA | Royal Australian Artillery Association (Australia)
| |
** | RAAA | Ruptured Aaa
| |
** | RAAA | Radcliffe Alumni Against Apartheid
| |
* | RAAA | Request for Alternative Assessment Arrangements
| |
* | RAAA | Rutgers African American Alumni
| |
* | RAAA | Rossford Arena Amphitheater Authority
| |
* | RAAA | Roseau Area Arts Association
| |