Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | RATA | Representation and Transportation Allowances
| |
**** | RATA | Rated Awesome to Awful
| |
**** | RATA | Relative Accuracy Test Audit
| |
**** | RATA | Russian Association of Travel Agencies
| |
**** | RATA | Restricted Availabilit /Technical Availability
| |
**** | RATA | Remote Access Technology Assessment
| |
**** | RATA | Rural Arterial Trust Account
| |
**** | RATA | Regulatory Authority Testing Approval
| |
*** | RATA | Rise against the Apocalypse
| |
*** | RATA | Race Across the Alps
| |
*** | RATA | Russian Association of Tourist Agencies
| |
*** | RATA | Regione Autonoma Trentino Alto
| |
** | RATA | Rankine Cycle Air Turboaccelerator
| |
** | RATA | Regional Aboriginal Tourism Associations
| |
** | RATA | Rustenburg Accommodation and Tourism Association
| |
* | RATA | Repertorio Autoreferenziato Terziario Avanzato
| |
* | RATA | Rahoitustarkastus
| |
* | RATA | Reems Academy of Technology And Art
| |