Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | PBCM | Peace Building and Conflict Management
| |
***** | PBCM | Benchmark Cost Proxy Model
| |
**** | PBCM | Performance-Based Contract Management
| |
**** | PBCM | Prize Based Contingency Management
| |
*** | PBCM | Philippine Benevolent Christian Missionaries
| |
*** | PBCM | Piggy Back Camera Mount
| |
*** | PBCM | Pacific Bell Call Management
| |
*** | PBCM | Pulsed Beam Current Monitor
| |
** | PBCM | Process Based Cost Model
| |
** | PBCM | Performance Based Cost Model
| |
** | PBCM | Projections of Broken Capsular Matrix
| |
** | PBCM | PLM Beverage Can Manufacturing
| |
* | PBCM | Practice Based Care Management
| |
* | PBCM | Plastic Blast Cleaning Media
| |
* | PBCM | Peacock Black Cat Mine
| |
* | PBCM | Propylbenzilylcholine Mustard
| |
* | PBCM | Personalized Breast Care Management
| |
* | PBCM | Palm Beach County Mensa
| |