Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | PIBS | polyhedral inclusion bodies
| |
***** | PIBS | Polar Ionospheric Beacon Satellite
| |
***** | PIBS | Principles of Implementation and Best
| |
***** | PIBS | Polar Ionosphere Beacon Satellite
| |
**** | PIBS | PowerPC Initialization Boot Software
| |
**** | PIBS | PEMA (Procurement of Equipment and Missiles, Army) Item Baseline List
| |
**** | PIBS | Personal Internet Broadcasting Script
| |
**** | PIBS | Performance Information Briefing Schedule
| |
**** | PIBS | Publications Interim Billing System
| |
*** | PIBS | Permanent Interest Bearing Securities
| |
*** | PIBS | Paris International Business School
| |
*** | PIBS | Permanent Interest Bearing Shares
| |
*** | PIBS | Prague International Business School
| |
*** | PIBS | Passenger Information at Bus Stops
| |
*** | PIBS | Program in Biological Sciences
| |
** | PIBS | Positive Ion Beam System
| |
** | PIBS | permethrin-impregnated bed nets
| |
* | PIBS | Primary Ion Beam Source
| |
* | PIBS | Parents of IB Students
| |
* | PIBS | Patriotic Information Broadcast System
| |
* | PIBS | Personal Informationen Basel Stadt
| |