Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | PGES | Program in Genomics, Ethics and Society
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***** | PGES | Perception and Guidance Embedded Systems
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***** | PGES | Park Glen Elementary School
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***** | PGES | Print and Graphics Express Station
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***** | PGES | Piney Grove Elementary School
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**** | PGES | Pleasant Grove Elementary School
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**** | PGES | platinum group elements
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**** | PGES | Product Generation Executives
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**** | PGES | prostaglandin E synthase
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**** | PGES | Parthenogenetic Embryonic Stem Cell
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*** | PGES | Pangea Geology and Earth Science
| |
*** | PGES | PGE synthase
| |
*** | PGES | Pine Grove Elementary School
| |
*** | PGES | Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies
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** | PGES | Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Sources
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** | PGES | Pakistan Geotechnical Engineering Society
| |
* | PGES | Prostaglandins of the E series
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* | PGES | Pole Green Elementary School
| |
* | PGES | Powers-ginsburg Elementary School
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