What does ONCC Stand For?
For ONCC we have found 14 definitions.
What does ONCC mean? We know 14 definitions for ONCC abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible ONCC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
ONCC Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | ONCC | Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation Medical | |
***** | ONCC | Office of the National Culture Commission (Thailand) | |
***** | ONCC | Oncology Nurses Certification Corporation | |
***** | ONCC | Opera Nazionale Ciechi Civili (Italian: National Opera Association for the Blind) | |
**** | ONCC | Office of Northern Cultural Communities | |
*** | ONCC | Official Nelson Commemorations Committee (Nelson's Island, Egypt) | |
*** | ONCC | Of Northern Cultural Communities | |
*** | ONCC | Office of Water Services National Consumer Council (United Kingdom) | |
*** | ONCC | Outstanding National Communications Coordinator | |
** | ONCC | Oncology Nursing Certifi Cation | |
** | ONCC | Office of National Cultural Commission | |
** | ONCC | Office of the National Counter Corruption | |
** | ONCC | OFWAT (Office of Water Services) National Customer Council | |
* | ONCC | Oregon and Northern California California |