Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | OAPC | Office Automation and Personal Computer
| |
**** | OAPC | Ordinance on Air Pollution Control
| |
**** | OAPC | Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs
| |
**** | OAPC | Oklahoma Association of Personnel Consultants
| |
**** | OAPC | Optical Automatic Power Control
| |
**** | OAPC | Organotin Antifoulant Paint Control
| |
*** | OAPC | Office of Alcohol Policy and Coordination
| |
*** | OAPC | Open Arms Pregnancy Center
| |
*** | OAPC | Ottawa Alpha Promotion Committee
| |
*** | OAPC | Ohio Asphalt Paving Conference
| |
*** | OAPC | Online Adobe Photoshop Course
| |
*** | OAPC | Ontario Association of Patient Councils
| |
*** | OAPC | Office of Alien Property Custodian
| |
*** | OAPC | Operational Area Planning Committee
| |
** | OAPC | Office of AIDS Policy Coordination
| |
** | OAPC | Osteoporosis Action Plan Committee
| |