Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | NPAL | Nashua Police Athletic League
| |
***** | NPAL | Navigation for Planetary Approach and Landing
| |
***** | NPAL | News Publishing Australia Ltd
| |
***** | NPAL | North Pacific Alloys Ltd
| |
***** | NPAL | National Programme for Approximation of the Legislation
| |
**** | NPAL | North Pacific Alloys Limited
| |
**** | NPAL | News Publishing Australia Limited
| |
**** | NPAL | North Port Area Library
| |
**** | NPAL | North Pennines Archaeology Limited
| |
**** | NPAL | National Plan for Approximation of Legislation
| |
**** | NPAL | Northern Plains Agroecosystems Laboratory
| |
**** | NPAL | Newland Park Associates Ltd
| |
**** | NPAL | North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory
| |
**** | NPAL | National Program for Approximation of Legislation
| |
**** | NPAL | Navy Public Affairs Library
| |
*** | NPAL | National Policy on Agriculture and Livestock
| |
** | NPAL | Numberical Processing Algorithms Labolatory
| |
** | NPAL | National Public and Aboriginal Lands
| |
** | NPAL | Nurse Political Action Leaders
| |
** | NPAL | National Political Alliance League
| |