Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | NIMT | Namibia Institute of Mining Technology
| |
**** | NIMT | National Incident Management Team
| |
**** | NIMT | National Institute for Music Theater
| |
*** | NIMT | Northeast Iowa Medical Transport
| |
*** | NIMT | Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology
| |
*** | NIMT | Now It's My Turn
| |
*** | NIMT | National Institute for Management Technology
| |
** | NIMT | National Institute of Metroltgy Thailand
| |
** | NIMT | North Island Main Trunk
| |
** | NIMT | Northern Institute of Management & Technology
| |
* | NIMT | National Institute of Metrology
| |
* | NIMT | National Institute of Magnesium Technology
| |
* | NIMT | Networked Interactive Multimedia Training
| |